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Knowing Cause of Hyperpigmentation is Essential to Treatment, Proclaim New York Plastic Surgeons

Posted: April 21, 2014

The surgeons at Long Island Plastic Surgical Group note how they must first assess the potential cause of a patient’s skin discoloration before they can recommend an appropriate treatment plan for hyperpigmentation. Long Island, NY – The plastic surgery and skin care professionals at Long Island Plastic Surgical Group (LIPSG) treat a variety of patient…

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Long Island Skin Care Patients Achieve Youthful Tightened Skin Without Surgery

Posted: November 4, 2013

The medical professionals at Long Island Plastic Surgical Group’s Aesthetic Center offer Ultherapy treatments for patients that seek a non-surgical facelift alternative. Long Island, NY – With increasing innovations in aesthetic skin care technology, the doctors of Long Island Plastic Surgical Group say there are now more non-surgical skin rejuvenation options than ever before. At…

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