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Silhouette InstaLift Threads

As a New York based medical spa dedicated to providing the latest in non-surgical enhancement options, we are thrilled to offer Silhouette InstaLift. This innovative treatment is designed to visibly reduce signs of aging and provide measurable improvements to the mid-face area by lifting, tightening, and contouring.

How Does Silhouette InstaLift Work?

Silhouette InstaLift is a groundbreaking procedure comparable in form to a “thread lift.” However, as the first non-surgical procedure FDA-approved to reposition underlying facial tissue, Silhouette InstaLift utilizes a combination of biodegradable and biocompatible cones and sutures to both contour and restore volume to the face and neck.

Beautiful woman with dark hair smiling from a profile view.

The Silhouette InstaLift Experience 

During a consultation at one of our convenient locations, our Silhouette InstaLift specialist will discuss your medical history and cosmetic goals. If you are deemed a candidate, your Deep Blue Med Spa provider will create a custom Silhouette InstaLift treatment plan. On the day of your procedure, your provider will apply a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area, and then use a hypodermic needle to meticulously place the cone sutures in strategically selected areas according to your pre-determined treatment plan. Some patients experience mild swelling or tenderness on or around the treatment site, but most can resume their regular activities that day. The lifting effects of Silhouette InstaLift are visible immediately after the procedure while the biostimulatory volumizing effects of natural collagen will improve gradually over time. The Silhouette InstaLift procedure takes roughly one hour and requires no downtime.

Benefits of Silhouette InstaLift

  • Non-surgical alternative to face lift
  • Lasting results that improve over time
  • Visible improvement of marionette lines (nasolabial folds)
  • Requires little to no downtime 
  • Can be combined with other non-invasive cosmetic treatments, such as injectable toxins or fillers, to optimize results
Woman with dirty blonde looking off camera on a white background.

Silhouette InstaLift Results

Silhouette InstaLift dramatically diminishes visible signs of aging by providing an immediate lifting effect, while also working to gradually restore lost volume by stimulating your own natural collagen production. The rejuvenating effects of Silhouette InstaLift generally last between 18 and 24 months for most patients.

Is Silhouette InstaLift Right For Me?

Silhouette InstaLift is ideal for women and men looking for non-surgical options to reduce signs of aging such as wrinkles and folds in the mid-face area and sagging jowls, and is sometimes used to “refresh” previous facelift surgery. Ideal candidates are generally in good health and have an adequate amount of underlying facial fat.

What Do I Need To Know?


  • Consultations for Silhouette InstaLift are available at all Deep Blue Med Spa locations.
  • One treatment typically takes just under one hour.
  • You will see optimal results one week following your procedure after the swelling has completely subsided.
  • No downtime required.


  • Patients may experience mild swelling, redness, and tenderness on or around the treatment site.
  • Refrain from your normal exercise routine for at least 24 hours following treatment.
  • Results from Silhouette InstaLift typically last one to three years.
Three beautiful women posing for a photo around a terrace table by a summer evening.

Contact Us

Find out if Silhouette InstaLift can help you achieve a more youthful look by scheduling a one-on-one consultation with one of our Deep Blue Med Spa providers. We look forward to answering any questions you have about your options for non-surgical facial rejuvenation. Call us today.

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The Medical Professionals at Deep Blue Med Spa have either authored or reviewed and approved this content.