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How To Manage Stress Related Breakouts

By: admin | March 31, 2020 | Skincare

How To Manage Stress Related Breakouts
By: Melissa Colletti-White, Lead PA-C

Of the many reasons we experience acne and breakouts, stress is at the top of the list. In fact, it has been well documented that an uptick in stress levels often leads to an increase in oil production, as well as inflammatory response in certain cells that both heavily contribute to acne. During these uncertain times, it’s normal to feel anxious and uneasy- even if you’re social distancing from the safety of your home. So, how do you manage stress related breakouts? Here are some of my most tried and true tips.

1. Continue your skincare routine in the morning, night, and of course, after working out.
2. Let a professional evaluate your skincare regimen by sending a picture of your skin, brief synopsis of your acne history, and ALL skincare products you’re using. Many of our providers, including myself, are now offering virtual consultations. For more information, please give us a call during normal business hours at 516-535-6728.
3. Forget all the DIY Pinterest tips. These are likely not recommended by a professional, and could in fact be causing more damage than good.
4. Eat healthy! Take this time to cook nutrient dense meals, learn new recipes, and limit your time in the snack pantry. If you feel sugar, dairy, or gluten consumption may be contributing to your breakouts, consider taking a pause from them as well.
5. Stay active! Gyms and fitness centers may be temporarily closed, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t find other ways to exercise. Look up an at home workout video on YouTube or go for a run. Exercise helps nourish skin cells and keep them vital. It also increases the production of endorphins which naturally decreases stress.
6. Drink lots of water. Just like your body, your skin needs hydration too!
7. Never pick at your face. If you’re struggling with a particularly painful cyst or irritated breakout, grab a warm compress then add a pin size amount of a topical treatment like a retin A before bed.
8. Take a probiotic geared toward promoting skin health.
9. Take your vitamins daily.
10. Watch your coffee and alcohol consumption.
11. Stay away from the 10x mirror, it’s not your friend!
12. Meditate. Take some time to focus on your breath, relax, and clear your mind. Even if only for a few minutes a day, meditation can do wonders for your mental and physical health.
13. Indulge in a digital cleanse. Disconnect from the media and coronavirus stats for a bit. Too much of this can increase your stress and anxiety levels.
14. Clean your electronics. Since you probably haven’t put your phone down much since we’ve been in quarantine, now is a great time to wipe everything down before putting it up to your face to call family or friends.
15. Continue to wash your hands properly and often, and don’t touch your face.
16. Skip the makeup. Take this time at home to let your skin breathe and be free of beauty products that can clog your pores.
17. While going makeup free, utilize some of your bare faced time at home to thoroughly wash and cleanse your brushes. Face and eye brushes are known to accumulate bacteria, oil, and dead skin cells- none of the things we want to put back on our faces!

If you’re not expected to work, please stay home. The sooner we comply with social distancing and self-quarantine, the faster we can get back to life as we know it. Lastly and most importantly, if your job requires you to work, thank you! It is appreciated more than you know. Be safe and stay healthy everyone! We at Deep Blue Med Spa are here to help with all of your skincare needs during this time, so don’t hesitate to reach out!


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